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the beginnings of history造句

"the beginnings of history"是什麼意思  the beginnings of historyの例文  


  • Ship building has been important since the beginning of history of Pori.
  • The beginning of history coincided with the emergence of writing and civilization.
  • Religious pilgrims have journeyed through the Holy Land since the beginning of history.
  • The rest is history or, rather, the beginning of history.
  • "Don't forget that we are cousins since the beginning of history, " he told reporters.
  • It often lies at the beginning of history.
  • :The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years.
  • Since the beginning of history, moms, dads and other caregivers have searched for ways to soothe that little bundle of gloom.
  • For others, it may just be the beginning of history repeating itself, depending on what they themselves bring to the shrine.
  • :Medical prescription # History claims that prescriptions have been around since " the beginning of history . " This section could use some copy editing!
  • It's difficult to see the beginnings of history in a sentence. 用the beginnings of history造句挺難的
  • Abuse of civilians has been morally contemptible from the beginning of history and technically illegal as the result of international accords like the Geneva Conventions.
  • Philosophical mysticism, the idea that truth is indefinable and can be apprehended only by nonrational means, has been with us since the beginning of history.
  • He proclaimed himself a Grand Prince and moved his capital to the city of Vladimir near Suzdal marking the beginning of history of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality.
  • I look at my Houston shows like making a big master tape, putting everything on it I can from the beginning of history to the end.
  • "This is the beginning of history _ there will be no mercy for America, " said an intense-eyed 18-year-old student who would identify himself only as Najibullah.
  • "Between 1973 and today, we have consumed a quarter of the world's entire endowment of oil from the beginning of history until the end, " said Swenson.
  • Starting from the beginning of history and going up the present day the book tries to cover all the major ( and minor ) military conflicts in world history.
  • Encyclopedias have progressed from the beginning of history in written form, through medieval and modern times in print, and most recently, displayed on computer and distributed via computer networks.
  • These "'timelines of world history "'detail recorded events since the creation of writing roughly 5000 years ago ( which marks the beginning of history ) to the present day.
  • "The state is defending this case with an absolute scorched earth policy, as if they have just been wonderful to the Cayugas and the other Indian nations since the beginning of history, " said Gold.
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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